Reformed Baptist Fellowship

Baptist Origins

In Reformed Baptist Fellowship on July 22, 2011 at 7:23 am

“When all is said and done, whatever connection the earliest Baptists had with the Anabaptists, it was minimal. If Anabaptist writings were being read, they were definitely not being read heavily (indubitable proof of this is the paucity of quotes from their works in the seventeenth-century Baptists). What was being read by the earliest Baptists were the books of their Puritan contemporaries. This is a given. This means that the overwhelming major influence on early Baptist thought and piety and praxis was Puritan thought and spirituality.” – Dr. Michael A. G. Haykin

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  1. Important reminder. Baptist roots are deeply planted into the soil of puritanism. Tragedy of tragedies, that some (many) neglect our rich heritage. I am convinced above all else, Reformed Baptists need to return to their puritan roots. We need to major on those themes they majored on (the law and the gospel, objective truth and subjective experience, duty and delight). Where do we find such consistent balance in the newer Calvinism of our day? To the degree it is found, I suggest the puritans are near by. Baptist confessional religion will always feel at home in rich puritanic soil. It is our heritage.

    Thank you Michael Haykin.

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