Reformed Baptist Fellowship

We ought to read the Scriptures with the express design of finding Christ in them

In Reformed Baptist Fellowship on April 16, 2009 at 1:06 am

First, then, we ought to believe that Christ cannot be properly known in any other way than from the Scriptures; and if it be so, it follows that we ought to read the Scriptures with the express design of finding Christ in them. Whoever shall turn aside from this object, though he may weary himself throughout his whole life in learning, will never attain the knowledge of the truth; for what wisdom can we have without the wisdom of God? – John Calvin (Calvin’s Commentaries; John 5:39)

  1. This is excellent! Where did Calvin say this?

  2. Tom,

    The quote is from Calvin’s commentary on the Gospel of John 5:39.


  3. Amen. It has been said, ‘cut open the Scriptures at any place, and they bleed red the blood of Christ’.

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